How to Deal with Moving Away from Home, Family, and Friends

Whether you’re planning a move in a new state or city that’s miles and miles away from family and friends you’ve known for years, perhaps searching through Houston, Charlotte or Dayton houses for sale, one of the things that’s probably one of the top of your mind is how to deal with being so far from home.
While it might not make you feel much better knowing that millions of people across are dealing with similar situations – 32 million moved in 2018 according to, there are ways to make the transition easier.
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Throw a Going Away Party
Throwing a farewell party, inviting your friends and family, is the perfect opportunity to reminisce about all the good times you’ve enjoyed together, and to figure out different ways you’ll be able to stay in touch. You might even be able to make plans for some to come visit you, which can make that move a whole lot easier just knowing you’ll have that to look forward to.
Ask those who attend to bring an object that will remind you of them – it doesn’t have to be expensive, just something small that you can bring to your new place that will cheer you up when you’re missing them.
Make Connections Before You Move
When you move to a new city, having some connections in place makes the transition much easier. You might ask friends, family and/or co-workers if they know someone in the area they can introduce you to. Another option is to join a forum focused on the city or region and see if you can get to know like-minded people online before you arrive.
If you have someone there you can get advice from and perhaps show you around after you arrive, it can be a great way to get to know the area and perhaps make a new friend in the process.
Give it Time
While making a move can be exciting it’s often stressful and exhausting too. Don’t push yourself once you get there, allow yourself time to rest, relax and even grieve for what you’ve left behind. When you feel lonely, there are always video chats, texting, social media, phone calls and so on to help you get through the difficult moments.
It takes time to become accustomed to new surroundings but you can be sure that after a while you’ll be immersed in your new routine and things will begin to feel “normal” again.
Make an Effort
Once you’ve given yourself time to adjust, you’ll need to “get out there,” taking steps to make new friends. Look for opportunities that increase the chances of meeting others you have something in common with by joining clubs or groups focused on one of your favorite hobbies as well as attending local social events.
Go out with co-workers, hang out at a local cafe or coffee shop and strike up conversations, you never know where they might lead. Servers and baristas often have a wealth of insider knowledge that can help you make new connections too.