What You All Need To Know About Dry Van Shipping

While dry van shipping might sound fancy, you might be surprised to know that this is one of the most common types of trailers on the road. Also known as enclosed trailers, a dry van is basically a large, dry box.
Any truck you see with a hard enclosed trailer is a dry van. Since it’s the most common, many industries use this and there are several types of dry vans to know of.
Industries that use Dry Van Shipping
Many industries use this since dry van shipping is so common and versatile. If you want to protect cargo from the elements and don’t need it to be refrigerated, then dry vans are commonly used.
They are used to haul big and heavy pieces for automotive industries, manufacturing and electronics. They also are great at handling most consumer goods for retail stores.
Dry van shipping is also used frequently with food, cleaning products and health products. Keep in mind that some of these products must be refrigerated.
If they are non-perishable and don’t need refrigeration, then a dry van is often used to haul these products.
Since these trailers can hold lots of products, they are also used to ship between states and even across the country. It’s common for these trucks to go very long distances with their cargo.
Types of Dry Van Trailers
Except for size, there isn’t much variation in dry van trailers. Most of the trailers look identical and function in the same way. The only two varieties would be general trailers and pup trailers.
General trailers are the really long ones you commonly see on the road. These are the single trailers that are about 53 feet long and keep everything in one secure area.
Pup trailers aren’t quite as common, but you will see them and they are just as useful. These trailers are usually between 26 to 29 feet long and can be hauled by smaller trucks and vehicles.
They can also be attached to other trailers, but just be safe and don’t make the attachment too long.
Pup trailers are good for hauling even more products, keeping some products away from others if they would be harmful together or if you only have a smaller truck for hauling.
Benefits of Dry Van Shipping
The first benefit is the enclosed walls. These protect the cargo from snow, rain, wind, sun and other harmful elements. They also keep the cargo still while you’re traveling and allow you to fit a tremendous amount into the trailer.
These trailers are also incredibly versatile. They are used by a number of industries and you can often fit very diverse products in one trailer. You can have a pallet for retail, a few motorcycles, a copier, a pallet of food and still have room left over.
Since they are so common, dry van trailers tend to be more affordable than other types. This isn’t a special type of trailer that only a few high-priced providers carry. Almost everyone has dry van trailers, which forces the market to be competitive with these trailers.
The demand also allows them to be made at a lower price, which makes this easier for manufacturers. Consider checking out used dry vans for sale to get an even lower price.
Unless you need a special type of trailer, dry vans are often the best way to haul your items. They are very accessible, have numerous benefits and serve many different markets.
Dry van shipping is one of the best ways to move numerous products from one area to another. Not only are these trailers common, but they have many benefits and are great for shipping.