How to Take Care of Artificial Grass You Need to Know

Practical is the main reason people choose artificial grass. Yes, this one grass does not require users to bother taking care of it. Although this is fairly practical, there are several ways to care for artificial grass that must be considered. In addition to how to care, of course, you also need to know how to clean artificial grass so that it always looks excellent, right? Immediately, see how to care for artificial grass below.
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Use a Vacuum Cleaner
Please note in advance that cleaning artificial grass is not with water. Artificial grass is grass that is equipped with adhesive power. If it is exposed to water, the adhesive will weaken, causing the grass to be easily shifted and released. This method is certainly a very easy and effective way to get rid of the dust. Do not also wait until the artificial grass is dirty! Clean the grass for a certain period of time and do it regularly. Also note the vacuum cleaner used is low pressure.
Use Detergents
When you clean artificial grass, it should only be done using a vacuum cleaner. Because you won’t be able to get rid of stubborn stains just by applying a tool like that. The solution is that you need to make a cleaning liquid from a mixture of detergent and enough water. Then you can dip the sponge in the liquid so, then squeeze it clean. So, it’s a runny sponge that you can use to remove stubborn stains on the surface of artificial grass. This method is only done to remove stubborn stains that are difficult to remove. Well, that does not mean you have to wash the artificial grass, yes! Then, how? The first step, dissolve the detergent in enough water. Dip a sponge or cloth in the solution and rub it on the surface of the artificial grass. Do it until the stain disappears. If it is clean, dip the other cloth in clean water to clean the remaining detergent.
Spray with Special Liquid
In contrast to ordinary water, artificial grass is not a problem if exposed to special fluids. If you want artificial grass to be more durable and the quality is maintained, then it is strongly recommended to spray it with a special liquid artificial grass. How long is the spray period? If this one is certainly adjusted again to the use of artificial grass. For example, this artificial grass is used inside the house, so you can spray it 1-2 months. If used on the roof, then spray every 2 weeks to 1 month.
Comb the Grass Fiber
Not only hair that can be combed, but grass also can. It sounds like a silly way, but this one is a proven effective way to treat artificial grass to always look new and also natural. Comb it can use a rake or a rigid comb made of plastic. How? Simply comb all the artificial grass fibers as before. If you want to make it look natural, comb in various directions.
Wherever in general, artificial grass consists of strands of artificial grass with a certain length that are put together to form a vast expanse of grass. If not treated properly, the blade of grass will eventually turn into tangles, not smooth curling, and no longer attractive. The solution is quite easy, namely by regularly combing the strands of artificial grass earlier. But don’t use a hair comb. Instead, use a special comb that has a range of teeth that are tenuous and larger in size. by combing these strands of artificial grass, added by parallel movements as well so that the conditions are consistently maintained.
Pay attention to Rubber Granules
This one thing will be seen when you pay attention to the sidelines of artificial grass. Rubber granules itself has a function as a silencer that makes artificial grass does not wear out easily. Make sure there are still a lot of rubber granules because this indicates the artificial grass is still in very good condition.
Artificial grass has several layers arranged together so that it is neat. Apart from that, there are also layers commonly known as rubber granules. It is important to know that this layer is made of rubber material which is the place to glue several strands of artificial grass. Not only that, but this grass will also make the artificial grass feel soft and not easy to wear even though you have used it for years. To maintain the condition of artificial grass is maintained, you must always observe the condition of the layer of rubber granules. And if this layer reaches a hole or is torn, it is just a matter of time then the whole artificial grass is damaged.
Use a Knife to Remove Stubborn Dirt
The next way to treat outdoor artificial grass is to remove the dirt that is sticking. Sometimes, gum can stick to the grass on this one. To get rid of it, use the gum lift knife in a horizontal position slowly so as not to cut the other grasses.
Eliminating the smell of pet feces
Another problem that is often faced by owners of artificial grass is pets that litter in the grass area. Don’t worry about the sticky smell because you can eliminate it by following the steps below.
Allow the pet’s poop to dry until then lift it up.
Use a mixture of water and vinegar to remove residual dirt and odors.
Away from water
In this case, there are two methods of installing artificial grass namely applying nails and gluing it immediately on the surface of the floor. Especially the grass that is glued to apply glue first, you must keep it away from the water around. Why is that? Because water spills on artificial grass will make the glue’s adhesive power weaken until easily released. In addition, water will also trigger the growth of fungus that can damage artificial grass. So, our suggestion is to make sure that the area that is fitted with grass should always be dry and away from water.