How to transform the look of your lounge?

Many people go through a phase of listlessness that can only be appeased by rejuvenation. Perhaps a renovation of the routine, lifestyle, or maybe the living space would help in creating a change that is still familiar.
The urge to switch things up in the open, living room, or lounge space could be irked by the latest cushions at Target. Alternatively, perhaps a decorative faux pas in the past has come to eat you alive. Whatever the case, now is the best time for you to rid your lounge of stale, outdated trends and to immerse the new millennium of minimalism and structure into your living spaces.
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Where to start?
Interior décor is not as easy for everyone. It requires an eye for detail, a good taste in color scheme and also a creative perspective. You may not have graduated with a degree in fashion, but you can still inhibit the skill of decoration!
Once you are sure with your decision to make total revamp of your lounge, you need to set a budget. Having a financial limit would help you decide whether you need just a new set of throw pillows and blankets or if you can afford a new couch and curtains. Fortunately, only a few, minimalistic changes can make a world of difference and help you introduce a new lifestyle.
The following ideas will help you cinch up your lounge and make it Instagram ready. The new look of your living room would make you want to spend most of your day there, instead of your comfortable bedroom. Without much ado, let’s jump right into the tips and tricks.
The golden rule of introducing a change in interiors is a routine check of the present situation. This entails a thorough cleanup of all the clutter around your space. You must dust all the decorative pieces, lamps, and mementos laying on coffee tables and check whether you still want them around or its time to get rid of them.
You can take a vacuum cleaner and go all out with the cleaning of carpets and couches and whatnot. Remember to look for bedbugs on all wooden furniture. If you do spot a few of them on any wood surface, it’s time for you to look for the creatures on all of your furniture around the house.
Try to find the strongest bed bug killer and spray it onto all of your wooden furniture before it gets too late.Because bedbugs are very sneaky and they do bite!
Natural Light
It is scientifically proven that sunlight helps boost one’s mood and adds to the overall productivity of the inhabitants of any space. So when you are done cleaning up (As mentioned before), it would be ideal for you to open all the windows and blinds. Put the curtains to the side and let all the daylight to stream inside. The fresh light will let you see all the space that you have and also inspire you in the right direction.
The play of light is critical for aestheticians because it allows structure and elements in the house that did not exist previously.So let the light in and find what works best for you.
The quickest and easiest way to transform any space is by sprucing up the throw pillows. Many people tend to have different sets of throw pillows for different seasons. Pastels for summer, reds, and mustard for fall, and sparkly for the holidays.
A bold color in throw pillows can help accentuate your living space significantly. Creating a mix and match of colors, patterns, and designs would prove ideal. So, I guess it’s time to scout the nearest Target and get your hand on their latest collection.
Rugs may seem like an insignificant, silent element in interior decoration, but they play a critical role in accentuating spaces. If you like airy, breezy rooms, then you can add a neutral rug where the light reflects, to create an illusion of more space. This idea works well for studio apartments and also generally small spaces.
Another way to spice up the look of your lounge is the addition of a printed rug in the center of the space. The patterns would attract attention and distract people from any sense of dread that a lack of light could produce. Many designers tend to incorporate basic rugs with minimal designs to enlarge the area. Moreover, the trick always works.
It’s common knowledge that a wall of art is the best way to transform any room, anywhere. You can make a memory wall by putting photographs of yourself, your family, or even different milestones of your life. Another great idea is the placement of a map, with marks on the places that you have visited, or would like to attend. You can put painting from local artists or even creations of your own.
Alternatively, you can add an accent wall by painting it in a contrasting color. If you do not wish to decorate your walls, you can also look for wallpapers that suit your inspirations. The world is now a better place due to the availability of customized wallpapers. So if you wish to embellish your wall with your stick-figure-wallpapers, no is the time to get one!
By the way, if you have a sufficient budget, you can also opt for a tempered glass partition in the house to make a style statement.
Whatever you choose to do with your walls, remember that a good wall becomes an excellent ice-breaker for acquaintances or any new people that you invite to your house.
Final Thoughts
You can transform the look of your living space by balancing a mix of small and large changes. Sometimes, the addition of some greenery and a little art is all that space needs to come alive. You can either place a few minimalistic pieces like structured furniture and cushions with hard lines.
Or you can play with colors to make wonderland right in the middle of your lounge. Whatever you choose to do, remember to stick to your budget. Try to stay in the middle-ground between extreme trendiness and extreme old-fashion-ness.
After all, it’s you that defines your style!