How to Write a Marketing Proposal: Expert Tips and Tricks

A marketing proposal is a common tool in the work with partners: either current or potential. It’s a common type of selling texts. Each of us met different examples of commercial offers – the text motivates to perform a certain action: to go to the office, call managers, etc. The commission of such an action to cooperate with the company becomes the purpose of drawing up a marketing proposal.
Not every manager knows how to write a marketing proposal in the best way. Indeed, the commercial offer on paper has serious differences compared with the usual communication with the client. It is necessary to state the advantages of your proposal in such a way that there is both brief and capacious information, stimulating a potential client to conclude a deal. If you lack time or inspiration for writing a high-quality marketing proposal, you can always turn to professional essay writers. They will help you polish your proposal and make it original.
What should you include in your marketing proposal?
Behind each successful product or service, there is a well-done marketing plan. The marketing plan shows the company a phased way of selling its product or service in a specific market and helps the company stay focused on marketing prospects.
A marketing plan defines all the components of your marketing strategy. Creating a plan, you seek out the details of your marketing analyzes, sales deals, advertisements, and public relations actions. The plan must also integrate traditional programs with new bright strategies. Check seven amplifies of a marketing proposal you should try to include when you write a proposal.
- Facts add credibility to your marketing offer. People trust the facts, do not argue with them. They will help to create an offer, which it’s impossible to refuse.
- Research results. The effect will be similar to the facts. Research is conducted to understand patterns that help in making the right decisions.
- The numbers in practice look much more convincing than words. The numbers are specific data that will be visible on a specific question of the reader.
- If in your proposal, you promise to receive additional earnings, it is necessary to confirm this with calculations.
- Images. The phrase “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” is very true here. Depending on the specifics of your proposal, readers can offer pictures, photos or other images. Tables or graphs are a great tool to prove growth dynamics.
- The list of clients. It is relevant if it includes well-known names. The reader will consider that if you’ve worked with large companies.
- A section with testimonials. Everyone likes reading stories, especially with a good ending. You can talk about the benefits the client can receive thanks to this marketing proposal.
How to create a great marketing proposal: 6 valuable tips to follow
- Identify your goals. As a rule, a marketing proposal is distributed to customers. It indicates the company’s goods and services in the hope that the recipient will be interested in at least one of the proposed positions. But it is possible to do better – to find out the need of the client, relying on it, telling about specific services or goods important for the recipient. So, in the first stage, you need to decide on the purpose of drawing up your marketing plan.
- Try to stick to the moderate volume of the proposal. Do not try to specify everything at once. It is better to provide a relatively small amount of text, choosing quality instead of quantity. Your attention must be paid to the more popular data, rejecting unnecessary suggestions that can only distract the reader. Don’t distract the reader from the main thing – stimulating information able to motivate a person to conclude a deal or take another necessary action.
- Think of the informative and quite catchy title. The proposal should be based on the following basic postulates: prompt provision of the service; favorable prices; provision of additional services; availability of payment – deferred payment; discounts; delivery terms; additional service; warranty obligations of the company; prestige brand; high score; availability of multiple versions of the product. A unique selling proposition implies combining several elements. It can be the harmony of an attractive price and comfortable delivery conditions or guarantees, etc.
- Focus on solving customer problems. The competent commercial proposal is focused on solving the problem of the target audience. It should be noted: the marketing plan, which is limited to just a story about the goods or services of the business, is a useless waste paper, which cannot attract a potential client. The text should be customer-oriented. The more pronouns “we”, “I”, “our” you use in the text, the less it’ll arouse the reader’s interest. Focus not on yourself, but on the reader. In this case, the proposal to the reader will be more valuable. In drawing up a marketing plan, be guided by the client’s question “Why is it profitable for me?”.
- Explain the pricing policy. The client needs to understand the pricing principle of the company. Therefore, it’s possible to tell about the pricing system in your commercial offer about cooperation – what factors are the basis for the formation of value or send a price-list with your text.
- Include the call to action. It is important to have a specific call-to-action in your offer. You can call on the reader to make a call, visit the site, place purchase order, etc. To reduce the amount of trouble for the recipient, you need to explain to him the procedure for this and indicate the entire list of necessary contacts. Whenever you are not sure with the proper call to action, entrust it to online editing service like Edit-Proofread.
- Writing a proposal and working out a business strategy has never been easy. As you can see, it is a time-consuming process, which consists of numerous steps you should make to achieve success. Lack of time or experience in making successful plans? Don’t worry. Sometimes, it is the only effective solution for a problem, making which you can get lots of free time and learn from expert writers.