The key to a healthy living environment is keeping it clean and tidy always. The reasons behind this should be for your well-being. Do you know what problems a messy house creates? Your mood will be badly affected by the disorganized stuff. Dirty or unclean space will condition the spring up and spread and diseases. Pests or insects will be attracted by a filthy living room and for sure they will not miss the chance to turn your messy house into their heaven.
On contrary to all the downside, a clean house boots your emotions by making you feel comfortable and pleasant to be at home, and certain diseases or illnesses could be reduced to the minimum as the conditions for their thriving are removed. Then you will opt for a clean house or a dirty house? I believe the first option is the most favoured and we will drill down the question of how to keep your house clean and insect free in this article.
Your house is not a single entity that isolates itself from the surroundings. It is in close contact with the external environment so keeping outdoors clean is the first step in repelling insects and keeping your house clean.
Outdoors Housekeeping
Should your house is surrounded by trees or confronts a beautiful garden; it is advisable to take care of the greens. High trees with overhanging limbs are the perfect gateway to such rodents as rats or squirrels. Fallen leaves from the trees could pile up and condition the growth of fleas, ants or termites on the ground and who knows when they will find a way to get into your house. Therefore, having those branches cut or trim is a good idea for landscaping green protection. Regularly collect and dispose of fallen leaves, rotten logs, and debris.
If you have a stack of firewood outdoors, make sure it is covered and stacked higher than the ground so that rainy days will not ruin it and turn it into an ideal home for insects. There could be thousands of good insects outdoors that the garden accommodates but you should bear in mind that bad insects are also out there and always ready to spring up and invade your house if favourable conditions are activated.
Planting some herbs in your garden or pots is great to repel insects and beautify your landscape. Mint, lavender, rosemary should be good choices. They are easy to grow and do not take up a lot of space. Have some of those herbal plants indoors could repel the invasion of most insects.
Indoors Attention
Now we come to indoor housekeeping tasks to ensure your house is in the best state. What seems to be the best pulling factor to insects should be the food and shelter that your house provides. Let’s deal with food. If you see your kitchen or sink is full of dishes waiting to be washed or left-over food is stacked in the waste bin, you should expect to have unwanted guests such as ants or cockroaches.
Not only this state causes terrible smell in the house but it attracts tons of pests. Thus, do the dishes after each meal and don’t ever let food out there in the room atmosphere. Instead, you should well cover or put it in the fridge. Don’t overcook and then dispose of the majority of what you have been sweating to prepare. Making a decent, but sufficient meal and consuming it all is best to save your food and not having to worry about after meal follow-up.
Should you have a waste bin, make sure to take the garbage out every day for the sake of your own house. In case the waste bin is outdoors, have it seal or cover by the lid so that no rodents or rats have the chance to get in or the disgusting smell does not affect the surrounding.
Let’s talk about shelter or favourable residence that attracts insects into your house. First, you have got to check for any holes or cracks in the wall corners, threshold, basement or roof. Sometimes you find rats or squirrels getting into your house and wonder where the hell they are coming from. Seal the cracks that are possible entry to those invaders and your house could be safe. To deal with such tiny insects as mosquitoes, fleas or termites, vacuuming, cleaning up the house is the key. The dark and moist environment will condition their growth so as long as you can make things organized and well-lit by the sunlight, it can remarkably deter them from developing in the house. Such places as carpets, sofas, beds, and mattresses should be washed up or vacuumed regularly.
Professional Helps
A busy modern life may leave you little time to care for your house. Now it is no longer a problem with the bloom of multiple home care services. You may have someone coming and service your house at an expense, but the service is worth the money and the key is your house is always in good shape so no worry about bad smell or clustered things or insects.
In case your house is already infested with insects, professional help can also be called to address the issue. They have expertise in this so they can deal with it effectively and efficiently. However, should chemical products are applied to treat insects in your house, you have got to question if the products have any adverse effects on humans or pets if contacted. Don’t simply leave your house at the professionals’ disposal; instead, be a wise homeowner by investigating the reliability of the service.
In a nutshell, keeping your house clean and insect free is important to have a healthy and pleasant environment. It requires you and your family an effort on this. Simply involve every family member in the mission of tidying the house and you will not find it a burden to shoulder it all. If everyone is so busy with the housekeeping task, source professional help and you can make it all fine.
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