How to keep online banking safe from hackers?

Online banking makes our job easy. Just a click and buy! Now you don’t have to carry cash everywhere; you can easily shop and pay bills via online banking. Instead of waiting in a queue of bank or ATM; just pay bills with online transaction quickly. Nowadays banks are providing safer means for an online transaction but you should also use some safety measures from your side for keeping fraudulent and phishing attacks away.
Here we have mentioned some common types of threats related to online banking:
Phishing email
An attacker can send you a phishing email which looks totally authenticated asking for the bank details. If a person falls in this scam he might have to face a huge credit loss.
Hacker can download and install Trojan in your device. These Trojans can monitor your online activities while filling any forms. They can steal your credit card detail and password and sends it to the hacker.
Here are some good tips for keeping your internet banking safe from all hacking threats:
You should change your password regularly
When you are using internet banking for the first time; you have to use the password which is provided by the bank. But after using the provided pin, you should immediately change the pin for keeping your account safe. You should change the pin regularly. If you have issues in remembering the password then you should use a password manager. With the help of a password manager, you can keep your password and other account details secure.
Always use two-factor authentication
Today most of the banks offer two-factor authentication for security purpose. In this feature, you need two passwords for any transaction. One is your password and other is an OTP which will be sent to an authenticated number or email address. Without these two passwords, a person can’t transact the money.
Create a strong password
Password is the basic and most powerful defense wall against the threats. Always create a strong password for online banking. Never use a meaningful password. Never create a password which is related to you such as your pet’s name, your last name, and your DOB, etc. Create a password with some random alpha-numeric characters which can be guessed.
Use licensed antivirus
If you are using your device for online banking then make sure you are using licensed antivirus which should be activated with AVG Antivirus Key. Antivirus can prevent Trojans and other malware from accessing your device. It provides an extra layer of protection to your device.
Check you saving account regularly
Every time you make a transaction; you receive a text message in your registered number about the transaction and balance details. But some malware can do the transaction and blocks the text message. So, you should regularly check your account; if you see any kind of unknown transaction then contact your bank for further investigation.
You should never use public Wi-Fi for making any kind of transaction. Never share your password with any person. With these tips, you can enjoy your online banking securely.