Key to Choose the Perfect Indoor Plant for Your Home

Whether you are living in a high rise apartment almost 20 floors up or have a home at the ground floor sprawled with a spacious garden area, all that we seek are a healthy environment and tranquillity when we get back home, which is quite a primary goal, owing to the hustle and bustle of the present century. No wonder, people are seeking refuge in getaways and therapies to attain the same.
However, there’s a lot that can be done right at home and make conditions viable, healthier and more peaceful for living. One of the many options is to include houseplants that provide cleaner air, reduce ailments and improve mental well-being. But before you hop up to put this alternative into practice, know which indoor plant is suitable for your home.
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Here’s a guide to choosing houseplants along with other important conditions. Read on:
Understand The Lighting
Choose the plant that matches the environment of your home. It all depends on whether your home receives ample sunlight or remains dimly lit. Plants that can finely deck up the dark spaces of your home are Pothos or Devil’s Ivy, Dracaena, Peace Lily whereas plants that demand sunny windows are lemon tree, ponytail palm tree, yucca plant etc.
Choose The Right Soil
Just as an outside garden needs the right soil and regular fertilizers, your indoor greens require a specific potting soil mix as well which depends on the pore space for air and water. This is unique for each plant species. However, the basic mix usually consists of peat moss, vermiculite and perlite. For example, cactus and succulents prefer a coarse and well-drained soil while orchids grow well in fir bark or sphagnum moss.
Check The Humidity Conditions
Plants usually need humid conditions to thrive because they tend to lose moisture through the pores on their leaves and especially when it comes to flowering plants, they tend to be instantly affected by dry conditions, the result of which is brown buds and dry petal tips. Low humidity can be a problem during winters. You can opt for regular misting. Even grouping the indoor plants together will result in a natural increase in the humidity level.
Temperature Variations
Spring and summer provide ideal plant conditions. Long exposure to het can harm plants and that can be controlled by screening windows or switching on the fan. However, plants are less forgiving in cooler temperatures and can cause little grown or plant death. You can cover the soil with chopped leaves to conserve moisture and prevent the plant from thawing and freezing. Commonly, indoor plants are tropical and prefer a temperature ranging between 65-75°F during the day and nearly 10 degrees cooler at night.
Pet Friendly Plants
Cats and dogs love to chew plants. However, note that while some plants are mildly toxic, others can prove to be extremely poisonous. So, if you have pets, consider keeping pet friendly plants. Some of them are watermelon plant, african violet, Christmas cactus, basil and so forth.
Flowering Plants In Full Bloom? No
Flowering plants in full bloom might seem ornamental and dramatic but you must avoid as they fade quite quickly. The ones with several buds but lesser blooms are more long lasting and remain a constant treat to the eyes.
Know The Purpose
Before you bring a new plant home, you need to ask yourself “Why do I need an indoor plant?” Is it for pure aesthetic purposes or do you seek an air purifying plant or prefer herbs that can come to your use in daily cuisine or want your kids to grow around greens? It is always advisable to know your purpose and for a better plant care reality check depending on its weather preferences or the one not toxic for your pets and kids.
Understand Your Level Of Commitment
Plants come with their unique temperament. Some prefer colder weather while other prefer summers. Also, there are plants that are extremely easy to care while others demand constant attention. Some of the low maintenance plants include bromeliads, jade, pothos, rubber plant and so forth while there are certain plants perfect for people who like challenge, say, orchid, wandering jew, boston fern, rose, banana plant etc. All indoor plants are beautiful in their own way. However, not all plants are suitable for you and it should be chosen precisely on how much you can commit to its care.
Fertilization Requirements
Regular watering of plants can drain the nutrients from the soil with little ways to regain them back as they are potted and kept indoors. Nourish them with fertilizers from time to time as insects like Aphids, Scale and Whiteflies are a huge threat to houseplants and thereby, they need to be frequently inspected.
With these tips in mind, bring home some greenery and adorn your space with health and positivity.