Marketing Automation: 7 examples of how to get started

After the e-mail has been declared dead for years, today it is more alive than ever. We bring you seven tips from the Internet World Trade Show, which show you how to set up better email marketing campaigns to match our “Theme Week Marketing: Content, SEO, CRM”.
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How to Boost Your Ecommerce
E-mail marketing is one of the tools that can help you reach your goals relatively inexpensively. In addition to the completely new channels such as Snapchat and Co., the classic route via e-mail should therefore not be neglected. For the newsletter, companies should focus on individualization – which is not always as difficult as it sounds. With relatively simple means can create campaigns that convert well and address each user individually.
However, there are two important points to note: You need a decent database that can be gradually built up and a proper connection to the e-mail system to keep the effort as low as possible. Of course, it is also important to note that the opt-in is obtained from the recipient to send further information that does not directly relate to the customer’s purchase. Shop owners should, therefore, take care to catch up with them as early as possible.
Here are seven simple examples that lead shop owners to great success with little effort.
Welcome series
A customer is happy about emails in which you thank you for the registration. This mail can also collect additional data for later automatic individualization of the emails to the customer. In addition, the first turnover can be generated with a trial offer or a voucher. The recommendation of Arnold: The emails could be sent at the beginning every three days, then less often. He also gives another important factor: even the opt-in e-mail should be designed smartly and above all in the corporate design of the company – small lever, big impact, so Arnold.
Product recommendations in the newsletter
The practical example and tip number two by Arnold are product recommendations in newsletters. Here, too, e-mails can be personalized with relatively simple means, starting with recommendations based on sex or other characteristics that are obtained from the customer.
Transaction emails
Especially popular with users are the transaction emails. What happens to the order, what is the status and when is it expected? The opening rates are enormously high and so these emails have a high potential – of course, the double opt-in must be considered, insofar as advertising is to be accommodated there. In addition, according to Arnold, the personal “signature” is an important factor. E-mails that come directly from the customer advisor themselves are generating more attention.
Shopping Cart Cancel Emails
More and more move into the shop area, the so-called shopping cart break-off e-mails. Many large shops are already focusing on reminding customers of the canceled purchase process. Again, of course, without the consent of the recipient is nothing – but if you have this, Arnold recommends shipping within 24 to 48 hours after the purchase.
Loyalty campaigns
Like the age-old coupons in order catalogs, coupons for loyal customer’s work wonders. There, it is important to get creative and find suitable occasions. Birthdays and the Christmas holidays are there but already a bit blurred. It is worth looking for alternatives. For birthdays, for example, you could already send a suitable mail a few weeks before, containing offers for planning a birthday party.
Reviews are extremely important for online merchants. Emails are a great way to get them from customers. This type of automated marketing e-mail also attracts a great deal of attention and makes a positive impression on customers.
Reactivation Emails
The majority of our newsletter subscribers are silent, you do not get any feedback from them and they have not bought a product for a long time. Again, there is potential for e-mail marketing. If you manage to get these customers back to order with automated and personalized wake-up emails, you’ve done a lot. This works, for example, by giving away vouchers.
E-mails are easy to implement, there are many services that support you in sending the newsletter and that also allow customization. These services take over much of the campaign management, and the click and conversion rates are a lot higher if you rely on personalization – a huge advantage over regular newsletters.
Arnold gives two good tips on the way. Even though e-mail campaigns are now easy to create, they should never just be sent on Friday afternoon before closing time. After all, something can always happen – and then there is no specialist in the house. And: Many companies need to restructure and recruit staff in order to have the capacity for good (automated) newsletter marketing – then success really pays off.