Most Essential Checks to Make on Your Company Car

A company car is one that is owned or rented by a business and provided to an employee. Although most company cars can be used for personal as well as work travel, the employee does not own the vehicle.
It is important to maintain your company car because it is used for essential journeys. Some parts are invaluable to its smooth running and they must be checked most often.
We will outline them in detail in this article.
What to Check and How
These are the maintenance checks that should be done regularly and how to go about those tasks.
The battery is what starts the vehicle and it can also provide a backup source of power for the windscreen wipers and the lights. The most common problem with car batteries is corrosion, but the battery may also be flat.
How to check it
If the battery is flat, use the car manual to find the charging terminals and then attach the charger. If it is corroded, the terminals or cables will be covered in sticky liquid and will need to be cleaned with water and a steel brush.
The car tires must be checked for the depth of tread. Without sufficient tread, they cannot grip icy or wet surfaces properly, but you can get all season Yokohama tires that have a deep 517 tread for extra protection.
How to check them
The best way to check tire tread depth is to use the inbuilt tread indicator, but if you do not have one, inserting a coin between the tread will work too.
This primarily means the engine oil and coolant. Too little of the former will stop the engine running while too little of the latter will cause it to overheat when you drive.
How to check them
The easiest way of checking the oil is to insert the dipstick that is provided with the vehicle to determine if there is enough oil in the engine. Check the coolant by finding the reservoir under the car hood and making sure the coolant hits the cold fill line.
This means the front and back lights. They should be really bright so that you can see – and be seen – when driving at night or in bad weather.
How to check them
Switching them on will show if there is a problem. If the lights are too dim, you could cause an accident when driving and they must be replaced before using the car.
How to Avoid Damage
There are certain steps that you can take to further minimize the risks to your new company car.
Drive carefully
Always stick to the speed limit when driving and stay off bad road surfaces where possible.
Avoid dangerous areas
Some parts of towns or cities are notorious for crime and vandalism. You should avoid these as much as you can and never park the car in one of them.
What Happens in the Event of Damage?
Even if you follow all of the maintenance checks and avoid putting the car at unnecessary risk, it is still possible for damage to occur. That is where insurance comes in.
What will happen next depends on the terms of the insurance policy and who is adjudged to be liable. Depending on the circumstances of the crash, it could be the other driver, the company that owns the car or you who is held liable.
It is best to find out the policy details and what the laws are in your state. If you are not covered in the event of damages, you may wish to limit your use of the car, as you will have to pay yourself.
Now you know what checks and steps to take to reduce the risks when driving a company car.