SAT Exam- Essential Things You Need to Know about It

At the end of high school, you have planned for higher studies. You may have chosen your favorite college also. But, getting it is not always easy. To get the admission in your desired college, you may appear in the SAT exam. SAT exam is a globally accredited exam that is used to evaluate the readiness of a student for college. SAT or the Scholastic Aptitude Test was originated by a company, named ‘The College Board’.
Usually, students go for SAT test when they are at the 11th or 12th standards. So, if you have started your SAT prep already, here are certain essential facts you need to know about it. Read on to know more.
Table of Contents
Which Are the Topics Tested in SAT Exam?
Usually, the SAT test is conducted on the basis of your high school syllabus and that’s why it consists of basic topics, like reading, writing, and Math. These are the areas where a student’s expertise is required to get admission in colleges and beyond-
- The reading portion includes critical reading of passages along with sentence compilation.
- In the writing section, you need to write short essays, point out the errors from passages, show your grammatical skill and also pick the right answer to multiple-choice questions.
- The mathematical section is there to identify your skill in solving problems in geometry, algebra, probability, and
Time Duration of SAT Exam
SAT exam is usually for long hours that is for 3 hours 45 minutes and it is divided into 10 sections-
- There is an essay for 25 minutes
- Six sections, each of 25 minutes for critical reading, mathematics, and writing
- Two sections, each of 20 minutes for critical reading, writing, and mathematics
- A 10-minute duration for multiple choice questions
How Many Time You Can Appear for SAT?
Usually, students get desired scores just by appearing SAT exam twice. They used to notice enough growth in the second-time score if they attend SAT classes at SAT coaching centers in different cities. But, remember, only a high score in SAT won’t secure a prestigious place in colleges. There are many colleges which want to see your overall performance in school as well as in SAT. So, ignoring your school-leaving exams is not a good idea. Also, if you are not scoring well enough in the SAT exam, you should concentrate on your other skills while applying for college.
How to Register for the SAT?
You can register for SAT exam online at the website of the College Board. There are also registration options through phone and mail. You can go for anyone that suits you.
Scoring in SAT
Whether it is mathematics or it is the critical reading and writing segment, the score is evaluated within a scale of 200 to 800. The more you score, your chances of getting admission in better colleges become brighter.
Hopefully, you get enough information about the SAT exam. So, if you are about to leave high school and want to get into your favorite college, securing a good score is the SAT exam will be a great option.