Tooth Pain After a Filling: Causes, Treatments and When to See a Professional

After any tooth cavities have been filled with a composite, amalgam, porcelain or even gold or silver, you can expect some discomfort. This is because your dentist injects your mouth with a numbing agent to minimise your pain during the procedure, which can make it difficult to eat and drink in the hours following your appointment.
In fact, you are recommended to abstain from eating or drinking for around two to four hours after getting a filling to avoid you biting down on your tongue or check by accident. However, sometimes pain does strike following a simple filling procedure. Some causes of this can include…
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Filling position
If your filling isn’t exactly positioned correctly, it can completely throw off your bite and the entire balance of your mouth. If your filling is placed too high, malocclusion can occur, and your mouth will never quite close properly. Your dentist can repair this and it’s best to seek treatment quickly if you feel that something is really not right when you close your mouth fully.
Sensitivity to filling material
You could have a sensitivity to the material that your dentist used to fill the cavity. This is more common when composite resin is used for your filling.
General tooth sensitivity
If you already suffer from very sensitive teeth, a new filling might be a huge interruption to your mouth’s environment and then cause some serious pain. This is manageable if you’re informed on how to help tooth sensitivity and what causes your pain…
How to help tooth sensitivity?
You can use over the counter pain medication, numbing ointment, a soft-bristled toothbrush and regular flossing to repair your sensitivity. It’s best to avoid acidic foods, whitening products and to rinse your mouth with water after your meals.
Why are you suffering from tooth sensitivity?
In order to fix this issue long term, you need to look into why you’re experiencing such persisting sensitivity. Common causes include a tooth abscess, broken or dislodged fillings and gum disease. Again, this can all be helped or repaired by committing to regular trips to your dentist. If you have a suspicion that your pain after your filling is caused by pre-existing tooth sensitivity, head to the dentist quickly.
Should you book in to see your dentist if you’re experiencing pain after a filling?
If you are experiencing pain or sensitivity 24 hours or more following your dental filling, you should absolutely book in to re-visit your dentist so to uncover the issue. A professional will be able to accurately identify the cause and correct any potential errors or replace materials that are causing sensitivity. If you can, call up your practice to speak with someone about your follow up needs – this means that you’ll most likely get a timely appointment scheduled instead of having to wait a week in terrible pain. Your dentist really is the place to turn when you’re suffering in any way, so don’t hesitate and go ahead and get booked in, your teeth will thank you!
Take care of yourself and your smile but heading back to the dentist if you are experiencing pain one or two days after getting your tooth filling. The right dentist will have you feeling better and pain-free as fast as possible.