Top 3 Reasons to Choose Life Insurance Plans

A term life insurance plan is the simplest and the most basic form of life insurance and ensures complete protection. A term life insurance plan is basically an agreement between the insurer and the policy holder, where in the insurer assures to pay the beneficiary or the nominee an amount equal to the sum assured in event of the policy holder’s death during the term of the policy; provided the policy is in full force.
The policy holder, in exchange of this benefit, agrees to pay a predefined sum of money in the form of life insurance premiums.
Buying a term life insurance plan is a wise decision that ensures future financial security of an individual. Term Life Insurance Plans ensure financial security of the insured’s family future in the event of your untimely unfortunate death.
The insurer, in case of a term life insurance plan compensates the policyholder’s family for the loss of income due to policyholder’s untimely demise up to a great extent.
Term Life Insurance Plans can be purchased offline from brokers and agents, who work as mediators between the insured and the insured.
But, with emerging impact of internet in India, the consumers prefer buying everything from grocery to apparels online. With this enormous increase in online trade, purchase and sale of goods and services has happened to become a common thing for most of the Indian population.
Consequently, buying online insurance policies has also emerged as a common trend these days.
Nowadays, buying online term insurance plan has become just like purchasing any other product online.
Most of the insurers today offer online term insurance plans and offers varied benefits and discounts to promote the customer to buy online term insurance plans.
Given below are three major reasons why one should prefer buying term insurance plans online:
Cost Effectiveness
Buying online term insurance plans saves the operational costs of the insurance providers by a considerable percentage.
This is because selling term insurance plans online does not involve cost of agency, agent commissions, cost of physical forms and the physical branch cost. This is why an online term insurance plan is offered at lower premiums by the insurers.
The cost that the insurer saves is passed on by him to the customer purchasing online term insurance plan. Therefore, purchasing term plans online is an affordable and cost effective way as compared to offline purchase. Therefore, the policyholder enjoys high coverage in exchange of a low cost of premium.
Time Saving
The most expensive asset in today’s fast paced life is time. Not many have sufficient time to spend meeting brokers.Most of the people would not be pleased discussing about life insurance plans with the agents while they should be spending time with their fame. But, buying online term insurance saves an individual from all this hassle and a lot of his valuable time.
Just a few clicks is all an individual needs to do for buying online term insurance. The online buying process is a time-saving and easy way as compared to buying offline.
Simple Process
Almost every commodity and service, these days,can be availed at a click. People prefer keeping things simple to manage the busy and complex schedules.
The ease of access is the chief difference that makes online term insurance plans a better choice that buying insurance online. While buying term insurance online, one has just fill up an online form and upload the scanned copy of required documents.
Many insurance portals also offer expert assistance and guidance to the buyer in order to resolve his doubts and ease the buying decision without having to pay any additional cost.